Monday, 24 December 2012

I have always been interested in the idea of removing or altering something to change how people see it. I was having trouble on trying to find ways of working with concepts that I find interesting into this project. But the human body is instantly recognisable, even in its crudest representations. But how would the body look of I altered major defining aspects, such as the head, torso or arms?
The idea of mirroring objects came from my earlier facial prints, and while I really like the effect of using paint to do this, I felt like I could communicate this idea better through the use of photography and minor editing. The effects I used are basic to say the least, and the idea really came out of nowhere.

The human body has the ability to create so many emotions in people, but it is the ability to unsettle that I find the most intriguing. The naked body has many connotations, sexual and otherwise. But can nudity be used to unsettle and disgust? While these were done on a whim of inspiration, this is a concept that I would like to come back to at a later date.

These images have been heavily inspired by one of my favourite artists, Hans Bellmer. Contextual work to follow.

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