Monday 17 September 2012

Space, noise and blood

Project Title: To sense my space.

I started research for this brief on the 11th of September, and my initial ideas were basic and dealt primarily with the ideas of empty space and how certain objects can alter the emotions that it can cause e.g. a single person in a large white room or smears of blood on a large white space.

The idea that the same space can alter a persons view of it through the introduction of colour/organic material was an interesting starting point for this brief. The clean white environment teamed with the dark red, browns and blues of the human body created an interesting image. Through the introduction of these materials, the atmosphere of the room can be changed from sterile, calm and blank to grotesque, unsettling and nervousness.

I began to consider the various ways that I could emulate these sketches into the real world. Could I construct my own white space, what would I use for organs, how would altering the temperature of this space change the effect it has and would controlling the noise aspect play a role in this? 

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