Saturday, 13 October 2012

Contextual work: Yasuaki Onishi

Yasuaki Onishi is a Japanese instillation artist. This series of work, called the 'Reverse of volume' is created using basic materials, such as clear plastic, strings of black glue and fishing wire.
From the work I have researched by Onishi so far, it has inspired me greatly and continues to so. I find his use of simple materials interesting, as well as the instillation aspect. It had inspired me to begin creating larger scale work, and while I am still in the development stages of my idea, there is little doubt in my mind that my final piece will be instillation/sculpture based. Personally, I feel that having the aim of creating a large scale interactive/instillation piece would capture the ideas I currently have. 
I am really invested in my current concept, but I was having trouble putting all the various pieces together so it seemed disjointed, like a series of separate works/experiments. This has sent me on the road to combining the various elements, and disregarding the elements that doing fit in.

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